Probiotics - an indispensable helper during pregnancy and after childbirth

23.02.2022 09:30:48

Probiotics - an indispensable helper during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy is the most beautiful period of a woman's life, but also one of the most difficult. Many changes occur in the body of a young mother, for which she is not always prepared. Weight is gained, and this leads to the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks in 90% of women. All this is extremely unpleasant for the expectant mother. It often leads to loss of self-esteem and even depression. However, a Get In Shape Postpartum mission is totally possible! The main question is which weight loss method to choose.

Should we start a diet or some kind of diet? Should we go to the gym or sign up for aerobics? Shouldn't we take slimming capsules, or should we rely on more harmless nutritional supplements such as shakes and teas? There are a lot of options. However, the best effect is achieved by combining the right way of eating with movement. But even then, one key factor in weight loss remains overlooked – probiotics.

Probiotics are known for their many health benefits. They maintain the balance in our gastrointestinal tract, which is essential in the fight against weight. Of course, there are different types of probiotics and it is very important to choose the right product. Especially for this purpose, Bactojoy created a "Slimming" package - for all women who want to achieve the desired weight without harming their body. The package is extremely suitable for young mothers who want to get in shape after giving birth.

Balanced intestinal microflora = healthy body and slim figure

You've noticed how some people stay thin no matter how many calories they consume. Wondering how they do it? The answer lies within us, specifically in our gut. They are inhabited by more than 1000 different bacteria, which can be conditionally divided into two groups - beneficial and harmful. Probiotics are beneficial. They are the ones involved in the processing of nutrients - they absorb the useful ones and throw out the harmful ones. In order not to gain weight, there must be enough good bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract to prevent the accumulation of fat.

The gut microflora in overweight women is different. The amount of harmful bacteria is greater. They store fat and the result is weight gain. No matter how much they limit their diet, these women cannot achieve the desired weight. Exhausting workouts in the gym will not help either. It is first necessary to regulate the gastrointestinal microflora. The key to a slim figure is precisely the balanced intestinal microflora, and to achieve it, probiotics must be included in the daily diet.

Bactojoy probiotics - enemy #1 of extra pounds

Bactojoy Slimming Pack is specially designed for ladies who want to look and feel good. It is aimed mostly at young women, mothers and pregnant women. Unlike most weight reduction products on the market, Bactojoy's probiotic pack is absolutely harmless and fully tailored to the specifics of the female body. It does not deprive the mother and the baby of the necessary nutrients, which makes it extremely suitable for intake during pregnancy and after birth.

The package includes three probiotic products with proven action: Bactojoy Femin (enriched with Damascene Bulgarian rose extract, known for its strong detoxifying effect), Bactojoy GastroBalance and Bactojoy probiotic pearls with milk chocolate. On the website you can read detailed information about them, as well as order. In short, the effects of Bactojoy probiotics on the body are:

They speed up metabolism and detoxify.

They clear the body of retained fluids.

They regulate the hormonal balance in a natural way and promote the release of leptin (the satiety hormone). The result is a decrease in appetite.

They suppress the absorption of fats and stimulate their faster burning. They do not accumulate in the body in the form of extra pounds.

They reduce the swelling in the abdomen and the result is there - up to -2 cm in the waist circumference in a week.

They have a beneficial effect on mood, tone and motivation to move.

They improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Weight loss program

A "Slimming" package is enough for a full one-month program. It is easy and accessible to all ladies:

First week:

Take 1 Bactojoy Femin capsule in the morning after breakfast.

After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.

Second week:

After breakfast - 1 Bactojoy Femin capsule each.

After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.

After dinner - 1 Bactojoy GastroBalance capsule each.

Third week:

After breakfast - 1 Bactojoy Femin capsule each.

After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.

After dinner - 1 Bactojoy GastroBalance capsule each.

Fourth week:

After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.

After dinner - 1 Bactojoy GastroBalance capsule each.

For optimal results, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day and to move more. If you don't have the opportunity to exercise, walk (preferably at a pace) for at least an hour a day.


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Beauty and Health

Beauty and Health

Probiotics - an indispensable helper during pregnancy and after childbirth

Probiotics - an indispensable helper during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy is the most beautiful period of a woman's life, but also one of the most difficult. Many changes occur in the body of the young mother, which she does not know about Pregnancy is the most beautiful period of a woman's life, but also one of the most difficult. Many changes occur in the body of the young mother, which she does not know about 2022-02-24T08:13:55+00:00 Probiotics - an indispensable helper during pregnancy and after childbirth

<p>Pregnancy is the most beautiful period of a woman's life, but also one of the most difficult. Many changes occur in the body of a young mother, for which she is not always prepared. Weight is gained, and this leads to the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks in 90% of women. All this is extremely unpleasant for the expectant mother. It often leads to loss of self-esteem and even depression. However, a Get In Shape Postpartum mission is totally possible! The main question is which weight loss method to choose.</p><p> Should we start a diet or some kind of diet? Should we go to the gym or sign up for aerobics? Shouldn't we take slimming capsules, or should we rely on more harmless nutritional supplements such as shakes and teas? There are a lot of options. However, the best effect is achieved by combining the right way of eating with movement. But even then, one key factor in weight loss remains overlooked – probiotics.</p><p> Probiotics are known for their many health benefits. They maintain the balance in our gastrointestinal tract, which is essential in the fight against weight. Of course, there are different types of probiotics and it is very important to choose the right product. Especially for this purpose, Bactojoy created a "Slimming" package - for all women who want to achieve the desired weight without harming their body. The package is extremely suitable for young mothers who want to get in shape after giving birth.</p><p></p><p> <strong>Balanced intestinal microflora = healthy body and slim figure</strong></p><p> You've noticed how some people stay thin no matter how many calories they consume. Wondering how they do it? The answer lies within us, specifically in our gut. They are inhabited by more than 1000 different bacteria, which can be conditionally divided into two groups - beneficial and harmful. Probiotics are beneficial. They are the ones involved in the processing of nutrients - they absorb the useful ones and throw out the harmful ones. In order not to gain weight, there must be enough good bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract to prevent the accumulation of fat.</p><p> The gut microflora in overweight women is different. The amount of harmful bacteria is greater. They store fat and the result is weight gain. No matter how much they limit their diet, these women cannot achieve the desired weight. Exhausting workouts in the gym will not help either. It is first necessary to regulate the gastrointestinal microflora. The key to a slim figure is precisely the balanced intestinal microflora, and to achieve it, probiotics must be included in the daily diet.</p><p></p><p> <strong>Bactojoy probiotics - enemy #1 of extra pounds</strong></p><p> Bactojoy Slimming Pack is specially designed for ladies who want to look and feel good. It is aimed mostly at young women, mothers and pregnant women. Unlike most weight reduction products on the market, Bactojoy's probiotic pack is absolutely harmless and fully tailored to the specifics of the female body. It does not deprive the mother and the baby of the necessary nutrients, which makes it extremely suitable for intake during pregnancy and after birth.</p><p> The package includes three probiotic products with proven action: Bactojoy Femin (enriched with Damascene Bulgarian rose extract, known for its strong detoxifying effect), Bactojoy GastroBalance and Bactojoy probiotic pearls with milk chocolate. On the website you can read detailed information about them, as well as order. In short, the effects of Bactojoy probiotics on the body are:</p><p> They speed up metabolism and detoxify.</p><p> They clear the body of retained fluids.</p><p> They regulate the hormonal balance in a natural way and promote the release of leptin (the satiety hormone). The result is a decrease in appetite.</p><p> They suppress the absorption of fats and stimulate their faster burning. They do not accumulate in the body in the form of extra pounds.</p><p> They reduce the swelling in the abdomen and the result is there - up to -2 cm in the waist circumference in a week.</p><p> They have a beneficial effect on mood, tone and motivation to move.</p><p> They improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.</p><p></p><p> <strong>Weight loss program</strong></p><p> A "Slimming" package is enough for a full one-month program. It is easy and accessible to all ladies:</p><p> First week:</p><p> Take 1 Bactojoy Femin capsule in the morning after breakfast.</p><p> After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.</p><p> Second week:</p><p> After breakfast - 1 Bactojoy Femin capsule each.</p><p> After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.</p><p> After dinner - 1 Bactojoy GastroBalance capsule each.</p><p> Third week:</p><p> After breakfast - 1 Bactojoy Femin capsule each.</p><p> After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.</p><p> After dinner - 1 Bactojoy GastroBalance capsule each.</p><p> Fourth week:</p><p> After lunch - 1 teaspoon of Bactojoy probiotic pearls.</p><p> After dinner - 1 Bactojoy GastroBalance capsule each.</p><p> For optimal results, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day and to move more. If you don't have the opportunity to exercise, walk (preferably at a pace) for at least an hour a day. </p><script>// <![CDATA[ (function() { document.write('<div id="cc-product-component-6"></div>'); var ccJs = document.createElement("script"), ccStyle = document.createElement("link"); ccStyle.rel="stylesheet"; ccStyle.type="text/css"; ccStyle.href=""; document.head.appendChild(ccStyle); ccJs.type ="text/javascript"; ccJs.async = true; ccJs.src = ""; ccJs.onload = function() { new CloudCartEmbed({ url: '', product: 6, is_bundle: 0, parameters: {'template':"basic",'action':"cart",'font_size':"18",'display_sku':"1",'display_properties':"1",'display_description':"1",'display_quantity':"1"} }).init();sp }; document.head.appendChild(ccJs); })(); // ]]></script>

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