Spring care for ladies with Bactojoy Femin

23.02.2022 09:42:45

Spring care for ladies with Bactojoy Femin

With the arrival of spring, every lady is inspired to look brilliant, take care of her vision and self-confidence. The probiotic product Bactojoy Femin can be the key to quickly achieving your dream goals.

This is shared by the businesswoman and holder of the title "Mrs. Bulgaria" Marieta Zaharieva. Two years ago, Marieta Zaharieva founded the company "Bulgar Biotik" EOOD - a manufacturer of probiotics and immunostimulators "Bactojoy", which are made on the basis of colostrum and the beneficial bacteria for yogurt Lactobacillus Bulgaricus.

Bactojoy Femine is a new probiotic product that favors the optimal functioning of the metabolism and absorption of nutrients related to the specific needs of the female organism. It supports the normal function of the immune system as well as the natural balance of the gastrointestinal and vaginal microflora, maintaining optimal Ph and minimizing the possibility of infections. Helps reduce inflammatory processes. Supports the natural production of short-chain fatty acids. A powerful antioxidant, supporting the liver in cleansing processes. A natural source of fiber with a very mild laxative effect. It has a soothing and rejuvenating effect. It supports the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the body's protective functions. Contributes to the body's natural detox. It works in favor of the natural hormonal balance

It is used for the purpose of prevention, for vaginal infections, to maintain a favorable gastrointestinal flora, in periods of increased stress, at the change of seasons, as a concomitant treatment, restoring the balance of the gastrointestinal flora, during treatment with antibiotics and after antibiotic treatment.

Bulgar Biotic is an innovative company for the production of probiotics and probiotic products with an eye on traditions and the latest achievements of science. Production is based on old Bulgarian traditions and the latest modern technologies. The team consists of leading scientists and technologists who control all processes and ensure the highest quality and utility of each product.


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Beauty and Health

Beauty and Health

Spring care for ladies with Bactojoy Femin

Spring care for ladies with Bactojoy Femin

With the arrival of spring, every lady is inspired to look brilliant, take care of her vision and self-confidence. The probiotic product Bactojoy Femi With the arrival of spring, every lady is inspired to look brilliant, take care of her vision and self-confidence. The probiotic product Bactojoy Femi 2022-02-24T08:14:23+00:00 Spring care for ladies with Bactojoy Femin

<p>With the arrival of spring, every lady is inspired to look brilliant, take care of her vision and self-confidence. The probiotic product Bactojoy Femin can be the key to quickly achieving your dream goals.</p><p> This is shared by the businesswoman and holder of the title "Mrs. Bulgaria" Marieta Zaharieva. Two years ago, Marieta Zaharieva founded the company "Bulgar Biotik" EOOD - a manufacturer of probiotics and immunostimulators "Bactojoy", which are made on the basis of colostrum and the beneficial bacteria for yogurt Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. </p><p><img alt="" src="https://cdncloudcart.com/26377/files/image/viber_image_2022-02-23_11-37-18-248.jpg" /></p><p> Bactojoy Femine is a new probiotic product that favors the optimal functioning of the metabolism and absorption of nutrients related to the specific needs of the female organism. It supports the normal function of the immune system as well as the natural balance of the gastrointestinal and vaginal microflora, maintaining optimal Ph and minimizing the possibility of infections. Helps reduce inflammatory processes. Supports the natural production of short-chain fatty acids. A powerful antioxidant, supporting the liver in cleansing processes. A natural source of fiber with a very mild laxative effect. It has a soothing and rejuvenating effect. It supports the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the body's protective functions. Contributes to the body's natural detox. It works in favor of the natural hormonal balance</p><p> It is used for the purpose of prevention, for vaginal infections, to maintain a favorable gastrointestinal flora, in periods of increased stress, at the change of seasons, as a concomitant treatment, restoring the balance of the gastrointestinal flora, during treatment with antibiotics and after antibiotic treatment.</p><p> Bulgar Biotic is an innovative company for the production of probiotics and probiotic products with an eye on traditions and the latest achievements of science. Production is based on old Bulgarian traditions and the latest modern technologies. The team consists of leading scientists and technologists who control all processes and ensure the highest quality and utility of each product. </p><script>// <![CDATA[ (function() { document.write('<div id="cc-product-component-6"></div>'); var ccJs = document.createElement("script"), ccStyle = document.createElement("link"); ccStyle.rel="stylesheet"; ccStyle.type="text/css"; ccStyle.href="https://cdncloudcart.com/assets//global/css/embed.min.css"; document.head.appendChild(ccStyle); ccJs.type ="text/javascript"; ccJs.async = true; ccJs.src = "https://cdncloudcart.com/assets//global/js/Embed.min.js"; ccJs.onload = function() { new CloudCartEmbed({ url: 'https://bulgarbiotic.bg', product: 6, is_bundle: 0, parameters: {'template':"basic",'action':"cart",'font_size':"18",'display_sku':"1",'display_properties':"1",'display_description':"1",'display_quantity':"1"} }).init();sp }; document.head.appendChild(ccJs); })(); // ]]></script>

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