Bactology Natural Chocolate Diet Probiotic Pearls are specially formulated for children and the elderly who follow a diet and do not consume sugar. Natural pearls are sweetened with erythritol and stevia, have a unique taste, while being dietary. They are extremely suitable for carrying out nutritional regimes for two main reasons. They have the unique quality of satiating the appetite for sweet foods, as probiotics send signals from the stomach to the brain that control the feeling of satiety.
When following a diet of any kind, such as a low-carb and keto diet, one teaspoon of Bactojoy Natural Chocolate Probiotic Beads is absolutely enough and will satisfy your sweet and chocolate cravings. At the same time, the psyche and emotional state are increasingly associated with health and balance in the gastrointestinal tract. Psychologists and psychiatrists claim that mild forms of depression and nervousness can be prevented and treated only with the proper application of probiotic treatment.
Irregular bowel movements or constipation are also a common problem for many dieters. By supplying a sufficient amount of good bacteria with the daily dose of one teaspoon of pearls, you will ensure regular cleansing of the colon, which is a basic prerequisite for getting rid of excess fluids and pounds.
Produced through a unique symbiosis of the two strains: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp . b ulgaricus and Streptococcus t hermophilus , which are also the original combination for the production of yogurt, in addition to Bifidobacterium infantis .
Bactology-Dietary probiotic pearls with natural chocolate, sugar free